Hello there. I kinda just put stuff here, whether it be thoughts or images. Might type some stuff in Portuguese since I'm learning it.

I like music, reading and playing mostly arcade games but only really shmups and older fighting games.

I've been learning how to code for about a month or two and this is my first real project I think. Probably won't be a set end for this considering it's more of a personal thing so at most I'll probably be changing the layout and adding stuff to the other pages.

My other pages

Stuff I like

  • Arcade shoot 'em ups, particularly Cave games
  • Fighting games
  • reading or watching series and or movies of interest
  • Listening to music I think is nice
  • Kirby
  • The presence of good dogs
  • probably anything you see on the game page or music page too, and I guess the sources of the background images I use
  • Taking pictures of nice looking things

Probably watching

Probably playing

Don't know what to put here yet.


website started. writing this at 19:33. i am tired.

website started. writing this at 11:43. I'll try and ready the template for the other pages
added random thoughts and rambling about media page. slight changes main page.

Game rumination page online. Random thoughts update. Favicon added.
Font installed.

Typing this at 22:09. Music page online. Animated text headers created. Thoughts page updated. Likely around a 0.6 state as i type this.

Typing this at 13:52. Gallery added. What is effectively the template of the website complete. Most changes will be additions to pre existing pages and maybe an aesthetic overhaul.

Typing this at 13:00. Website 1.0 is just about done and I'm somewhat satisfied with it for the time being.

Typing this at 23:19. Sidebar added to game page.

Typing this at 13:34. Game page and music page layout changed. Considering quick navsidebar on other pages.

Typing this at 15:27. Opening webpage redesigned. Now in 1.2 state because I said so.

Typing this at 11:25. 2nd page of photo gallery added along with quicknav to both pages.
então agora eu sei sobre "responsive web design " e agora preciso mudar tudo. grande dor de cabeça

Typing this at 12:45. Finally in a stable state and functional enough on mobile
Main webpage redesigned due to the previous version being unstable. I suppose we are in a 1.23 state now.
Minor changes made to all other pages but nothing noteworthy.

Typing this at 15:29. Quick nav added to other pages.

Typing this at 16:35. Strategy page added.
Site started: 13/07/2024
Hosted by:neocities
Thanks to Chell
Not made for mobile.
Current Version: 1.23