2025 > Back to main page31/12/24![]()
been pretty lazy this month not gonna lie. I just came back from the mountains so I'll update my gallery with the pictures that I took. I guess things that I shall look back on fondly from this year are,
I got up to date on Dandadan about a week ago after getting hooked by the anime, and finally reading the volumes I had bought a few months ago. I'ts definitely one been of my favourite, more recent, reads. 23/11/24![]()
I didn't really notice it until today but I've stopped playing shmups recently. It feels kinda weird since I was kinda breathing and living shmups over the past 2 years when it came to the games I played, but I guess that time has passed and I've moved on.
I was listening to a playlist last night and then some song from mario party 9 came on and it has left me feeling incredibly deep in thought and nostalgic. Like, it made me think how I took things for granted, those innocent times that I look back in with rose tinted lenses. 17/11/24![]() played project diva for the first time yesterday and went to bed feeling like this. 23/10/24![]() só quero dizer que br Miku, e todos da diferentes Mikus creado de que tendencia eram muito legal. Muitas desculpas por o meu terrivél gramática. 11/10/24![]()
It's getting to midnight right now and I should be asleep but I was reading Mahoyo and got to that part, if you know, you know. Anyway I just wanna say that that particlrular scene made me go 30/09/24![]()
I've been listening to a lot of Brazilian mbp and bossa nova recently and I like it a lot. Go listen to LoBorges and Nana Caymmi, I enjoy listening to their stuff. Other than that I've been listening to Buzy's songs that aren't Be somewhere and Those are good too I suppose but Be somewhere is in a tier of its own. Also some alt rock bands from the late 90s to 2000s, I cant describe the feeling properly but some of those songs left me feeling like melancholic/nostalgic. 13/09/24![]() Acho que a condiçao do site esta boa. Parece muito melhor agora e esta mais coesa. Penso que a sò pagina que precisando ser atualizado agora, é a pagina de musica. 11/09/24![]()
Been feeling particulary nostalgic recently. Grew up mostly watching Data squad since it was on tv at the time but I watch everything before it on youtube and saw tamers when I was young and it was still on Jetix. Despite basically watching them all around the same time I defnitely got nostalgia for tamers the most and think it's the best and that totally isn't because of personal bias. I like the original adventure series quite a lot too including the movie which I feel extremely conflicted on. I'm 100% got my nostalgia goggles on whenever I think about it and can acknowledge the not so good things about it, but despite that, I'm sure there is something of value to be found in it, especially considering they mashed together 3 different short films and tried to make it work.
25/08/24Thinking about making the new theme of the main page consistent throughout all the other pages, but there will still be an option to see the original layout. ![]() Being around other people my age on a uni campus is exhausting and makes me feel bitter. Sours my mood. 17/08/24![]() Well I've beaten it. It's been a while since I've beaten a game that isn't a shmup. I feel sorta sad that it's over and the ending still got to me after all these years. 16/08/24![]() I`ve been playing a lot of kh2 recently and I`m in the last stretch of the game now. I`m feeling very melancholic about being close to the end of the game, in a bittersweet kind of way. After making sure to do all the worlds to completion, which I didn`t do when I first played the game, seeing Sora bid farewell to the friends he made along the way just made me feel weirdly emotional. I`m not really sure why but it just tugged at my heart strings, especially in Atlantica, 100 acre woods and the grid. Anyway once I'm done I'll probably type a review on the thoughts page. 13/08/24![]() I got a lunatic 1cc of Imperishable Night yesterday. I had got close to one last year but gave up. The run wasn't very good but it is what it is. I feel like I make touhou games in particular harder for myself by because I constantly tell myself not to bomb until a certain point or the run wont be clean enough but really, it doesnt matter, especially when just trying to 1cc 06/08/24![]()
No longer sick, my nose is still stuffy. I've been trying to keep myself more occupied nowadays so I don't get bored and just do nothing. 01/08/24Ainda aqui. Eu sou doente, entao eu sou em minha casa para agora. Estou aprendendo japones. Não é dificil... para agora. 26/07/24![]() Apparently my computer screen has been slighty zoomed in the entire time I've had it. So when i changed it to how it should be the layout for my webpages were kinda messed up and I have to fix all of that. Eventually. And learn responsive web layout too. Eventually. 21/07/24![]()
Feeling alright today. I think games just tire me more than they used to. I play a shmup and I get that rush of adrenaline that can be cut off near instantly if I make a dumb mistake which I do often. I haven't 1ccd a shmup in a while but they are still fun.
Quiet weekend as usual. I don't know if complaining about lonliness at all is arrogant of me considering I'm not in the worst case scenario. ![]() Eu era lendo Kiseki no Kuni e eu gosto isso página. Eu assisti o anime antes e muito gostei. Tambem comei spaghetti. Bom. 19/07/24![]()
I've found it to invest time into longer games nowadays. I was playing the golden age FF games back to back to back back in 2021, yet now I just find it hard to get into rpgs at all. 18/07/24![]()
Went to comicon for the first time last month. I had no idea it was happening before a guy in an elevator told me. I then proceeded to stumble my way other their using google maps until I found where i needed to get off.
17/07/24![]() I miss playing animal crossing on the 3ds when the online servers were still up. Though after a certain point, you pretty much had to go on reddit or discord to find people to play with but it was still fun. I haven't played the one on the switch because it doesn't look like it'd be as fun and I don't like the island vibe as much and the music isn't as good in my opinion. I know its wrong but sometimes I feel mildly envious whenever I rarely go outside for something that isn't work and see friend groups hanging out. Of course their's no point focusing on people that have nothing to do with me but I haven't gone out with friends in forever. 16/07/24![]() I dunno if I will really end up doing coding stuff seriously. It's fine and all but some stuff just gives me a headache. Just feels like its going through my head one side and then straight out the other side. Maybe I'm just overthinking. this character gives me a headache too. 100%ing that game was mentally tiring at times. I was kinda surprised to find that she's still popular though. Saw a lot of people cosplaying her at comicon. 15/07/24
Not sure if this is gonna end up being a blog type thing or not but im gonna continue typing whatever I'm thinking here.
![]() Lethal company scares the crap out of me. I'm not made to feel that kind of adrenaline. 14/07/24![]()
Living alone feels isolating. Its peaceful though and I can do things at my own pace too. Only wish i had more of a reason to go outside,
Always been fond of these two, particularly Lopmon. Always found it kinda cool how it turns into something as off-putting as Wendigomon.